Storyline 3: Disabling the default Next button

When you want to force your learner to review all aspects on a page, a feature you would like to add to your training design is to applying a True/False Variable on the default Next button. 

This is a great feature when you want forced interactions in your page before the learner can go to the next page.

Before you begin and applying these steps in your project, create buttons on your slide with visited states and pop-up layers. To learn how, visit my other posting here.

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

Follow the detailed steps. Click the + to expand.
Loader image

1. Refer to the Triggers panel and click the Manage project variables button to create a new variable – A variables window will appear

2. Click the “+” button to create a new variable – A variable pop-up window will appear

3. Input the following:
Name: (for example, SlideComplete)
Type: True/False
Value: False

4. Click the OK button

An example of a specific event would be when the user clicked all the buttons.
1. Refer to the Triggers panel
2. Click Create a new Trigger button – The trigger Wizard window will appear
3. Input/select the following:
Action: Adjust Variable
Variable: SlideComplete
Operator: = Assignment
Value: Value; True
When: State
On: Select all the named buttons on the slide
Are: Visited

4. Click the OK button

1. Refer to the Triggers panel
2. Click Create a new Trigger button – the Trigger Wizard window will appear
3. Input/select the following in the Trigger Wizard:
Action: Jump to slide
Slide: next slide (or name of a preferred slide)
When: User clicks
Object: Next Button

4. On Condition, click the “+” button (Add a “New” or “Or” condition) – the Add Trigger Condition pop-up window will appear

5. Input/select the following:
List: Variable
If: SlideComplete
Operator: == Equal to
Type: Value
Value: True

6. Click the OK button to close the Add Trigger Condition pop-up window
7. Click the OK button to close the Trigger Wizard window
8. Save your project
9. Publish your project to AICC or to SCORM

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