Posts Tagged with “Learning Management System”

Storyline 3: Capturing text of your learner and displaying it elsewhere

Learn how to personalize your project by allowing your learner to input their name in a field and have their name displayed on another page.

This is great feature to apply if you have a certificate of completion at the end your project or if you want to personalize it using the participants name.

Level of difficulty: Easy

Follow the detailed steps. Click the + to expand.

1. Select your first slide in slide view.
2. From the Insert tab, go to the Interaction Objects group.

3. Click the Input button.

4. From the options, click Text Entry Field from Data Entry category.

5. Place the text entry field in your slide.

You can apply these optional steps
• Rename the object in your timeline. For example, ParticipantName
• Change the properties of the object. For example, font type, size, or color

1. Go to the Triggers panel and click the click the Manage Project Variables button

2. The Variables window will appear. Notice a Variable is auto-generated when you created the Text Entry Field

3. Double-click the variable.
4. Refer to the variable Name and Default value fields and rename and add a default value. For example, YourName in the variable Name field and Insert your name in the Default value field.

Keep this variable name in mind. You will need to refer to this later in the project.
6. Click the OK button to close the Variable window.
7. Click the OK button to close the Variables window.

1. Select a slide where you want the data to be displayed
2. Click the Insert tab

3. From the Text group, click text box and insert it on our slide.
Important. Make sure your cursor is blinking in the text box.

4. Refer to the Insert tab

5. From the Text group, click the Reference button – a reference window will appear.

6. Select the Variable name. For example, YourName.
7. Click the OK button
8. The Variable will auto-populate in the text box.

9. Save and preview your project.

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Storyline 3: Restrict or lock down your navigation

Learn how to restrict or lock down navigation throughout a Storyline course until the timeline ends.

By applying this feature in your design, you’re making sure your learners don’t:

• Skip ahead by clicking the built-in next button
• Jump from one topic to the other using the built-in navigation menu

Only until the timeline has completed, the learner can move to the next page of their learning. Before following these steps, have your project ready with all your pages built and be in slide view.

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

Follow the detailed steps. Click the + to expand.

Loader image

1. Select your first slide in slide view.

2. From the HOME tab, click the Player button from the Publish section – the Player Properties window will appear.

3. Click the Menu button from the Data section. You will see a list of all your pages.

4. Click the gear icon for additional options – a Menu Options window will appear.

5. From the menu dropdown, select Restricted. When selecting Restricted, you allow the learner to jump to previous slides but not jump ahead. If you were to select Locked, learners can’t jump back or forward.

6. Click OK to close the Menu Options window.
7. Click OK to close the Player Properties window.

1. Click on the VIEW tab.
2. Open the slide master by clicking the Slide Master button.

3. Select the Master slide or Parent slide. Do not select the individual layouts.

4. Refer to the Triggers panel and click the Manage Project Variables button – the variables window will appear.

5. In the Variables window, click the “+” button to add a variable – a variable pop-up window will appear.

6. Enter the following:
Name: For example, GoNext
Type: True/False
Default value: False

7. Click the OK button to close the Variable window
8. Click the OK button to close the Variables window

Trigger 1
1. Refer to the Triggers panel.

2. Click the Create a new trigger button – A Trigger Wizard window will appear.
3. Enter the following:
Action: Adjust variable
Variable: Select the newly created variable. For example, GoNext
Operator: = Assignment
Value: Value; False
When: Timeline starts
Object: Select the Slide Master (make sure you do not select from the drop-down any of the object on the slide)

4. Click OK to close the Trigger Wizard window.

Trigger 2
1. Refer to the Triggers panel.

2. Click the Create a new trigger button – A Trigger Wizard window will appear.
3. Enter the following:
Action: Adjust variable
Variable: Select the newly created variable. For example, GoNext
Operator: = Assignment
Value: Value; True
When: Timeline ends
Object: Select the Slide Master

4. Click OK to close the Trigger Wizard window.
5. Close the slide master by clicking the Close Slide Master View button from the Slide Master tab.

1. Select the first slide.
2. Refer to the Triggers panel.
3. Double click Jump to next slide trigger – the Trigger Wizard window will appear.

4. Click the Show Conditions button.

5. Click the “+” button to add a new “add” or “or” condition – the Add Trigger Condition window will appear.

6. Enter/select the following:
List: Variable
If: GoNext
Operator: == Equal to
Type: Value
Value: True

7. Click the OK button to close the Add Trigger Condition window.
8. Click the OK button to close the Tigger Wizard window.

1. Refer to the Triggers panel on your first slide.
2. Highlight your Trigger with the new condition and click the Copy the Selected Trigger button.

3. Highlight your other slide by selecting your slide, press the SHIFT key, and click the last slide.

4. When all your slides are selected, press CTRL + V to paste the trigger with the new condition.
5. Visit each slide to verify the new trigger was pasted into it. Notice in each slide you should have two triggers to jump to next slide. They should include the original trigger without the condition and the new trigger with the condition.
6. Delete the original jump to next slide trigger each slide by highlighting the trigger and clicking the Delete the Selected Trigger button.

7. Save and preview your project.
8. Publish to SCORM or AICC.

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Storyline 3: Ensuring your learner watches an entire video before letting them continue

Having an explainer video in your project is great. It makes the learning experience much more engaging.  But it’s not great if a learner can skip it.  

Building on my previous posting, having forced interactions, like watching a video, is great. Having forced interactions ensures your learners are visiting all the content before going forward with their training.

Before following these steps, have your video object in your project. As you go through the steps, notice similarities and patterns from my previous posting. This will help build your skills using storyline for future projects.

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

Follow the detailed steps. Click the + to expand.
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1. Refer to the Triggers panel and click the Manage project variables button to create a new variable – A variables window will appear

2. Click the “+” button to create a new variable – A variable pop-up window will appear

3. Input the following:
Name: (for example, SlideMovieComplete)
Type: True/False
Value: False

4. Click the OK button

1. Refer to the Triggers panel
2. Click Create a new Trigger button – The trigger Wizard window will appear
3. Input/select the following:
Action: Adjust Variable
Variable: SlideMovieComplete
Operator: = Assignment
Value: Value; True
When: Media completes
Object: {select the name of your movie}

4. Click the OK button

1. Refer to the Triggers panel
2. Click Create a new Trigger button – the Trigger Wizard window will appear
3. Input/select the following in the Trigger Wizard:
Action: Jump to slide
Slide: next slide
When: User clicks
Object: Next Button

4. On Condition, click the “+” button (Add a “New” or “Or” condition) – the Add Trigger Condition pop-up window will appear

5. Input/select the following:
List: Variable
If: SlideComplete
Operator: == Equal to
Type: Value
Value: True

6. Click the OK button to close the Add Trigger Condition pop-up window
7. Click the OK button to close the Trigger Wizard window
8. Save your project
9. Publish your project to AICC or to SCORM

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Storyline 3: Disabling the default Next button

When you want to force your learner to review all aspects on a page, a feature you would like to add to your training design is to applying a True/False Variable on the default Next button. 

This is a great feature when you want forced interactions in your page before the learner can go to the next page.

Before you begin and applying these steps in your project, create buttons on your slide with visited states and pop-up layers. To learn how, visit my other posting here.

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

Follow the detailed steps. Click the + to expand.
Loader image

1. Refer to the Triggers panel and click the Manage project variables button to create a new variable – A variables window will appear

2. Click the “+” button to create a new variable – A variable pop-up window will appear

3. Input the following:
Name: (for example, SlideComplete)
Type: True/False
Value: False

4. Click the OK button

An example of a specific event would be when the user clicked all the buttons.
1. Refer to the Triggers panel
2. Click Create a new Trigger button – The trigger Wizard window will appear
3. Input/select the following:
Action: Adjust Variable
Variable: SlideComplete
Operator: = Assignment
Value: Value; True
When: State
On: Select all the named buttons on the slide
Are: Visited

4. Click the OK button

1. Refer to the Triggers panel
2. Click Create a new Trigger button – the Trigger Wizard window will appear
3. Input/select the following in the Trigger Wizard:
Action: Jump to slide
Slide: next slide (or name of a preferred slide)
When: User clicks
Object: Next Button

4. On Condition, click the “+” button (Add a “New” or “Or” condition) – the Add Trigger Condition pop-up window will appear

5. Input/select the following:
List: Variable
If: SlideComplete
Operator: == Equal to
Type: Value
Value: True

6. Click the OK button to close the Add Trigger Condition pop-up window
7. Click the OK button to close the Trigger Wizard window
8. Save your project
9. Publish your project to AICC or to SCORM

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Storyline 3: Applying Visited and Disabled states

One feature you would like to add to your training design is to use the visited and disabled states.  This feature will indicate to your learners they visited an area of a slide.  These steps will also show how you can disable the button after they clicked it.

This is a great feature when you want show the learner they visited the content.

Follow the steps. Click the + to expand.
Loader image

1. Click New Project
2. In Story View, rename your Scene and Slide by double-clicking the scene name field and the slide name field

3. If applicable, add a new slide by clicking New Slide from the home tab and selecting your slide layout
4. Rename the new slide by double-clicking the slide name field
5. Save your project by clicking File, selecting Save As

1. In Story View, select your slide
2. Go to Slide Properties panel and refer to Slide navigation and gestures
3. Uncheck:

4. Double-click the slide in Story View

1. Click the Insert tab

2. Click Button from the Interactive Objects section

Label your buttons

1. Right-click the button
2. Select Edit Text from your dropdown list

3. Label your button

Name your button in your Timeline

1. Select the button on the slide to highlight the object in your Timeline
2. Double-click the name field in the Timeline

3. Rename the object's name
4. Repeat the steps until the number of buttons meet your design requirements

1. Refer to Slide Layers panel in slide view
2. Click New Layer

Rename your Layer

1. Double-click the layer to enable the name field
2. Rename your layer

Adding a shape to your layer

1. Ensure your renamed layer is highlighted
2. Click the Insert tab
3. Click Shape from the Media section

4. Choose a shape and insert it to your slide layer

Adding content to your shape

1. Right-click your shape
2. Select Edit Text from the dropdown list

3. Add your content

Rename your shape in your timeline

1. Select the shape on the slide layer to highlight the object in your Timeline
2. Double-click the name-field in the Timeline and rename the object's name

Add a Close button to the layer

1. Click the Insert tab

2. Click Button from the Interaction Objects section

3. Right-clicking the button and select Edit Text from the dropdown list

4. Label your button (for example, close)
5. Name the button in your Timeline by selecting the button in the slide layer to highlight it in your Timeline
6. Double-click the name-field in the Timeline and rename the object's name

Add a Trigger to the close button in your layer

1. Select the button
2. Refer to the Triggers panel and click Add trigger hyperlink - The Triggers Wizard window will appear

3. Apply the following values to the fields in the Trigger Wizard:
Action: Hide Layer
Layer: Select this Layer. If you have more than one layer, select the layer name
When: User clicks
Object: Select the object-name in context to the layer

4. Adjust the fields and click the OK button

Duplicating your layers (to match the number of buttons you created)

1. Select the layer from your Slide Layers panel
2. Click the Duplicate Selected Layer button and a copy of your layer will appear

3. After duplicating your layer(s), do the following:
• Rename the copy of the layer by double-clicking on the name-field and renaming it
• Rename your shape object
• Change-out the content to reflect your layers
• Rename your all object's name in the timelines
• Modify the trigger of your close button

4. Repeat steps until the number of layers match the number of buttons you created

Make sure you are on your main Slide View and not in your layers view. Check by going to your Slide Layers panel and verifying if your (Base Layer) is selected.
1. Select the button
2. Refer to the Triggers panel and click Add trigger hyperlink. The Trigger Wizard will appear

3. Apply the following values to the fields in the Trigger Wizard
Action: Show Layer
Layer: Select the layer you would like to appear which would be the name your gave to the layer object
When: User clicks
Object: Name of the button object

4. Adjust the fields and click the OK button

Modifying the Visited states

1. Click the States tab beside your Timeline
2. Click the EDIT STATES button

3. Click a button object on your slide
4. Select the Visited state

5. Click the FORMAT tab and adjust the button style so it is visually different than the other buttons

6. Repeat the steps to all your Visited state buttons

Modifying the Disabled state

1. Select the Disabled state

2. Click the FORMAT tab and modify the button style so it is visually different than the other buttons
3. Repeat the steps to all your buttons
4. Click the DONE EDITING STATES button

5. Return to your timeline by clicking the Timeline tab

1. Click on a button object
2. Refer to your Triggers panel and click Create a New Trigger. The Trigger Wizard will appear

4. Apply the following values to the fields in the Trigger Wizard window:
Action: Change state of
On Object: Select the button (name of) object you would like to change the state of when the user has clicked on it
To State: Visited
When: User clicks
Object: Name of the (button) object

3. Click the OK button
5. Repeat the steps to all your buttons
6. When you're done applying the Visited trigger, apply the Disabled trigger by following the same steps.
7. Save, test your project, and when you're ready, publish your project to AICC or to SCORM for your LMS

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Storyline 3: Creating an Agree & Comply in your project

One of the many requests I see from clients is to have an employee review a pdf document, confirm agreement by clicking a checkbox, and having a submit button appear.

These requests are usually from Human Resources when they want their employees to track onboarding activities like policies and procedures in their learning platforms.

Before you begin

  • You will need your pdf document uploaded to your intranet/internet
  • The full hyperlink to the uploaded pdf document. Keep this on-hand. You will need it when applying the Web Object
Follow the steps. Click to expand.
Loader image

1. Click New Project
2. In Story View, rename your Scene by double-clicking the scene name field and the slide name field

3. Save your project by clicking File, selecting Save As

1. From Story View, click the Slides tab

2. Click Freeform Question from the quizzing section – the Freeform Questions window will appear
3. From the options, select Pick One

4. Click the Insert Slide button – a new slide will appear named Pick One
5. Ensure the Pick One slide is selected
6. Click the Design (Question tools) tab

7. From the Display section, apply the following values:
Feedback: None
Shuffle: None

1. Click the Slides tab

2. Click Results from the quizzing section – the Results window will appear
3. From the options, select Blank Results Slide

4. Click the Insert Slide button – The Results Slide Properties window will auto-open
5. From the Results Slide Properties window, ensure the Pick One slide is check-marked

6. Click the OK button

1. Go to Story View
2. Highlight the Pick One and Results slides (CTRL + Mouse-click)

3. Go to Slide Properties panel and refer to Slide navigation and gestures
4. Ensure the following is unchecked:

1. From Story View, double-click the Pick One slide to be in slide view
2. Click the Insert tab

3. Click the Web Object button from the Media section – an Insert Web Object window will appear
4. Refer to your uploaded pdf document - type or copy & paste the URL of it in the Enter a Web address field
5. Click the Test Link… hyperlink to test for errors in the URL
6. Choose between Display in slide or Display in a new browser window from How do you want to display the web object? Choose Display in slide
7. Place a check-mark beside Load web object automatically from How should this web object behave?

8. Click the OK button – The web object will be placed on the slide
9. Click and drag the object to adjust the dimensions leaving space below the slide

Inserting the Interactive Object

1. Click the Insert tab
2. Click the Input button from the Interactive Objects section
3. Select a checkbox – any style
4. Insert the Input checkbox in your slide

Creating a text box

1. Click the Insert tab
2. Click Text Box from the Text section

3. Insert the textbox in your slide
4. Insert text – for example, Yes, I have read and confirm ….
5. Click the text box to highlight the object in your Timeline
6. Go to your Timeline, double-click the name-field and name the text object

Modifying the Form View

1. Refer to the Question panel
2. Click Form View

3. The Form View window will appear
4. Refer to choice and click in the Choice field – A drop-down will appear displaying the list of objects on the slide
5. Select the Check Box 1

6. Refer back to the Question panel and return to Slide View

Insert a layer with a submit button

1. Refer to the Slide Layers panel
2. Click New Layer

3. Double-click the layer to enable the name field and rename your layer

4. Ensure your renamed layer is highlighted
5. Click the Insert tab
6. Click Button from the Interactive Objects section

7. Choose a button from the choices and insert it to your slide layer
8. Right-clicking the button and select Edit Text from the dropdown list
9. Label your button (for example, Submit)
10. Name the button in your Timeline by selecting the button in the slide layer to highlight it in your Timeline
11. Double-click the name-field in the Timeline and rename the object's name

Adding two triggers to the submit button in the layer

Trigger 1
1. Select the Submit button
2. Refer to the Triggers panel and click Add trigger hyperlink - the Trigger Wizard window will appear

3. Apply the following values to the fields in the Trigger Wizard and click the OK button
Action: Jump to Slide
Slide: Select Results slide
When: User clicks
Object: Submit

Trigger 2
1. From the Triggers panel, click Create a new trigger button - the Trigger Wizard window will appear
2. Apply the following values to the Trigger Wizard fields and click the OK button
Action: Submit interaction
Interaction: Pick One
When: User Clicks
Object: Submit

Adding a trigger to the checkbox

1. Make sure you are on your main Slide View and not in your layers view. Check by going to your Slide Layers panel and verifying if your (Base Layer) is selected
2. Click the checkbox object on your slide
3. Refer to the Triggers panel and click Add trigger hyperlink - The Trigger Wizard window will appear
4. Apply the following values to the fields in the Trigger Wizard and click the OK button
Action: Show Layer
Layer: Select the layer you would like to appear. This would be the layer with the submit button
When: User clicks
Object: Name of the button object

By default, Storyline will add a Review Quiz button on the Results slide. In this scenario, the Review Quiz button is unnecessary and we can modify it.

Modify the Review Quiz button to an Exit button

1. Click the Review Quiz button and right-click the button
2. Select Edit Text from your dropdown list
3. Label your button to Exit
4. Click the Exit button on the slide to highlight the object in your Timeline
5. Double-click the name field in the Timeline
6. Rename the object's name

Modifying the Trigger on the Exit button

1. Click the Exit button on the slide to highlight the object in your Trigger Wizard window
2. Double-click the trigger, Review Results …when user clicks – the Trigger Wizard window will appear

3. From the Trigger Wizard panel, refer to the Action dropdown
4. From the dropdown, select Exit Course
5. Click the OK button

6. Save your work
7. Publish your project to SCORM or AICC

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Storyline 3: Track Complete in your LMS without a quiz

There are times when you don’t want a trackable quiz at the end of your project but would like to mark your learner complete in your learning management system. You can apply this method to your training design.

The steps shown are done when you’re at the end of your project and you’re ready to publish to SCORM or AICC for your LMS.

Follow the steps. Click to expand.
Loader image

1. Click File
2. Select Open
3. Browse to your existing project
4. From Story View, select the last slide of your project

1. From Story View, click the Slides tab
2. Click the Freeform Question button from the quizzing section – the Freeform Questions window will appear

3. From the options, select Pick One

4. Click the Insert Slide button – a new slide will appear named  by default Pick One
5. Click the Design (QUESTION TOOLS) tab
6. From the Display section, apply the following values:
Feedback: None
Shuffle: None

8. Go to Story View
9. Click the Pick One slide
10. Refer to the Slide Properties panel
11. From the Slide navigation and gestures, uncheck mark Submit

1. Click the Slides tab
2. Click the Results button from the quizzing section

3. From the options, select Blank Results Slide

4. Click the Insert button – The Results Slide Properties window will appear
5. From the Results Slide Properties window, ensure the Pick One slide is selected

6. Click the OK button

Adding a submit button to the Pick One slide

1. Select the Pick One slide
2. Click the Insert tab
3. Click Button from the Interactive Objects section

4. Add your button to the slide

Label your button

1. Right-click the button on your slide
2. Select Edit Text from your dropdown list
3. Label your button, Submit

Name your button in your timeline

1. Click the button on the slide to highlight the object in your Timeline
2. Double-click the name-field in the Timeline
3. Rename the object's name

Adding two triggers to the submit button

Trigger 1

1. Click the Submit button
2. Refer to the Triggers panel and click Add Trigger hyperlink - a Trigger Wizard window will appear

3. Apply the following values to the fields and click the OK button.
Action: Jump to Slide
Slide: Select Results slide
When: User Clicks
Object: Submit

Trigger 2
1. Ensure the Submit button is still selected
2. Click Create a new trigger button - a Trigger Wizard window will appear

3. Apply the following values to the fields and click the OK button
Action: Submit Interaction
Interaction: Pick One
When: User Clicks
Object: Submit

Modifying the objects on the Results slide

By default, Storyline will add a Review Quiz button on the Results slide.
In this scenario, the Review Quiz button object in the Results slide is unnecessary and we can change it to an Exit button.
1. Right-click the Review Quiz button
2. Select Edit Text from your dropdown list
3. Relabel your button to Exit
4. Click the Exit button on the slide to highlight the object in your Timeline
5. Double-click the name field in the Timeline
6. Rename the object's name

Modifying the Trigger on the Exit Course button

1. Click the Exit button on the slide to highlight the object in your Triggers panel
2. Double-click the trigger, Review Results …when user clicks – the Trigger Wizard window will appear

3. From the Trigger Wizard panel, refer to the Action dropdown
4. From the Action dropdown, select Exit Course
5. Click the OK button

1. Go to Slide View
2. Highlight the Pick One and Results slides (CTRL + Mouse-click)
3. Go to Slide Properties and refer to Slide navigation and gestures section
4. Ensure the following is unchecked:

5. Publish your project to SCORM or AICC

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